Rob and I had been planning the Tour Divide bike ride since 2020. A border to border has also intrigued me. Things didn't go according to the plan... and just 5 days before the we were set to leave some things came up and I had to make a tough decision to postpone the journey With a few train tickets to Montana and only 1 week of vacation... we made some adaptations... We would set out for whitefish where we would spend a week exploring the great Montana wilderness. Overall we had a great time despite drastic changes to our plan. Our route had us starting from Whitefish Bike Retreat, shuttling up to Rooseville, then tracing the rim of the Koocanusa lake. Down by Libby we would start heading North East through the Kooetnai National Forest, past Dickey Lake, and go through Graves Creek and Whitefish Pass. Eventually we'd make it to Polebridge and spend some time in Glacier National park. Overall the route on Gaia said around 230 miles with 18K feet of elevation. The elevation profile seems off to me (it didn't feel like we climbed that much). Despite not doing the tour divide, Rob and I had a great time on this trip.