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To provide additional context and insight, I've added my own comments to this episode.
All clips were used with permission of their original creators:
BIKER REAR ENDED - https://www.youtube.com/@DizziLife
Motorcycle Close call, Truck suddenly changed lane - https://www.youtube.com/@technicallyk
Epic motorcycle moment - https://www.instagram.com/jelimoto/
Tail of the Dragon biker crash - https://www.youtube.com/@jaredallen8054
Importance of Wearing Motorcycle Gear - https://www.youtube.com/@saltysnackss
Flying biker - https://www.instagram.com/goonygoonzzz/
Close call - https://www.youtube.com/@ReyesR97
Ride safely - https://www.youtube.com/@danielwebster3589
Angry driver break checking bikers - https://www.youtube.com/@dobermanmotorsports
Tire rolls on to road. Biker successfully avoids it. - https://www.youtube.com/@RamblinManMoto
Bad rider - https://www.youtube.com/@eagleeyearchery
Truck Almost rams Motorcyclist Then Road Rages - https://www.youtube.com/@motownmotorcycle4168
bikers in huge trouble - https://www.youtube.com/@BrispyCinnaBlunts
It's good to learn from mistakes of other bikers - https://www.youtube.com/@NVRXSTDofficial
HOW I CRASHED MY Husqvarna NUDA 900R - https://www.youtube.com/@fruit_dealer
Rider in trouble - https://www.youtube.com/@geosoriaga
Taxi decides my lane is better than his - https://www.youtube.com/@markdobres6728
Motorcycle road rage - https://www.youtube.com/@paulinewhittaker5503
I was riding my bike when a squirrel ran onto the road. - https://www.youtube.com/@johannes9640
That was a close call - https://www.youtube.com/@PickleFZ
Hard to be a biker - https://www.youtube.com/@brockdeskins5546