Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins rides a roller coaster to a Joe Rogan interview with Dennis Rodman, Howard Stern and Courtney Love wrestling an acoustic tiny desk in 1979 in a shredding landslide tonight tonight in a furniture commercial...that was all for the algorithm.
About the Video:
The Smashing Pumpkins' Billy Corgan lost his mid-70's Fender Stratocaster in 1992 and today we're exploring its origin story, theft and how Billy got his guitar back. What are the specs? What year is it? We tell all!
0:00 - Intro
0:26 - Billy bio
1:09 - What's a Gish?
1:19 - Billy get's a Strat
1:43 - What is this guitar?
2:38 - Flat vs Staggered
3:14 - Why middle pickup so low?
3:23 - More Gish guitar specs
3:38 - What a color!
4:29 - Billy no like yellow
5:03 - Why Billy Loves this Strat
5:44 - A Thief is Born
6:19 - Ten Years Gone
6:31 - A Break in the Case
7:06 - The Story Goes...
8:00 - The Middle Man Emerges
8:12 - Inspection Location Set, the Deal Goes Down
8:26 - Distinguishing Marks on the Guitar
8:49 - Beth No Ragrets
9:14 - End of the World
9:39 - Billy Talks Stolen Strat
10:24 - So What Year is It?
10:54 - It Was Already Stolen?
11:22 - Billy Corgan Tells All
11:46 - One More Thing
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#billycorganridesarollercoaster #billycorganrollercoaster #smashingpumpkins #1979 #melloncollie #siamesedream #guitarsofthegods #guitarhistory #fender #fenderstrat #fenderstratocaster #strat #stratocaster #disarm #today #bulletwithbutterflywings