BioShock Series: Sander Cohen Quotes Compilation( Audio Diaries, Radio Messages, Dialogue, etc )
This video is a collection of all quotes of Sander Cohen from current all BioShock Series( BioShock 1, 2, and Burial at Sea ). His voice actor is T. Ryder Smith.
0:00 The Old Bear
0:24 Doing Well by Doing Good
1:10 Critics
2:02 Musical Insult
2:30 Cohen's
3:24 Booker and Elizabeth
5:08 Last Dance
6:04 To Fontaine's
6:49 The Doubters
7:33 The Wild Bunny
8:16 Requiem for Andrew Ryan
8:48 That's Better
9:22 A Sign of Life
9:40 Nicely Done
9:47 Come to Fleet Hall
10:12 Welcome!
10:19 Jamming Atlas and Ryan
10:36 Test All My Disciples
11:01 Not Allowed Backstage
11:09 Meet with the Public?
11:19 Fitzpatrick
11:48 Quicker than Hoped
11:52 Burden of the Artist
12:07 Take Fitzpatrick's Picture
12:18 Can't Hold that Pose
12:25 Place Fitzpatrick Picture
12:49 Nice Jump
12:55 Part of My Masterpiece
13:24 Touch the Quadtych
13:43 Creating the Quadtych
14:29 Poseidon Plaza Door Open
14:38 Draw Back the Curtain
14:44 Take Finnegan's Picture
14:57 Put Picture in Frame
15:05 Coming Together
15:21 Better this Way
15:36 Taking Lives
15:52 Screw All You Doubters
16:10 Outburst
16:20 Sorry for Outburst
16:38 Take Rodriguez' Picture
16:49 Masterpiece Completed
17:12 Farewell Gift
17:47 Masterpiece Damaged
17:51 Hear Your Wings
18:03 Stay if You Wish
18:20 Coming Down
18:28 Combat
19:17 Echoes of Cohen