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#芒狗狗 #MangoPup #把知識變故事 #把學習變成好玩的事
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#鳥不是真的 #陰謀論 #反串 #川普
00:00 開頭
01:20 【芒狗狗官網】廣告段落
02:03 一個臨時起意的玩笑
03:13 將反串進行到底
04:28 陰謀論受害者互助會:以瘋狂對抗瘋狂
05:43 一場映照現實的「實驗」:陰謀論是怎麼煉成的
06:49 打造「騙不到人」的謊言?
08:12 戲還沒散場
09:32 我們的觀點:反串是雙面刃
10:51 問題
11:14 結尾
【 製作團隊 】
【 本集參考資料 】
→「鳥不是真的」:美國 Z 世代以陰謀論對抗陰謀論:https://bit.ly/3Km7UP6
→Birds Aren’t Real, or Are They? Inside a Gen Z Conspiracy Theory.:https://nyti.ms/3DLDmE8
→Birds Aren't Real' Satirical movement captures social media:https://bit.ly/3uhA9Jg
→What Is the ‘Birds Aren’t Real’ Movement?:https://bit.ly/3jeqWeo
→Every tweet is a lie’: Birds Aren’t Real campaign spreads message with new Memphis billboard:https://bit.ly/35NZoJT
→A Movement to Fight Misinformation …With Misinformation:https://nyti.ms/3jiB060
→How ‘Birds Aren’t Real’ became experiment in misinformation -- and more news literacy lessons:https://wapo.st/37kTGQ2
→What’s Up With Those ‘Birds Aren’t Real’ Posters? They Highlight The Post-Truth Era We Live In, Creator Says:https://bit.ly/3JuZ80h
→Birds aren’t real: When Gen Z decides to build a conspiracy:https://bit.ly/3uesrj9
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