*"Seyn in allem Dasein". Hegels multifunktionale Konstruktion Spinozas*
The formula “Seyn in allem Daseyn” (“being in everything existent”) was coined by Jacobi. Both in the first edition and in the prominent Supplement VII of the second edition of the Spinoza Letters, the motive was to express the “spirit” of Spinoza’s metaphysics of immanence beyond scholastic terminology. Hegel takes up the formula at central points in his work: in the Logic of Being, in the Logic of Essence, in the Logic of the Encyclopaedia, and also at numerous points in the Philosophy of Religion. The aim of this lecture is to show how interesting it is to closely examine these various uses of “Seyn in allem Daseyn” in Hegel. It will then become clear (1) how much Hegel’s thought owes to Spinoza’s philosophy, and (2) how multifunctional Hegel’s use of Spinoza is. There is no one-to-one interpretation of Spinoza by Hegel. Rather, Hegel appropriates Spinoza constructively - whether this is convincing or not is a critical question.
Birgit Sandkaulen is Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Research Center for Classical German Philosophy / Hegel-Archive at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. She is the co-editor of the journal “Hegel-Studien” and of the newly published “Jacobi-Dictionary Online”. She is the author of numerous publications on Classical German philosophy, in particular on Hegel and Jacobi, including: The Philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi. On the Contradiction between System and Freedom (Bloomsbury Academic 2023).
The international philosophical conference Between Substance & Subject. The Presence of Spinoza in Hegel (26–28 October 2023, AGRFT, Ljubljana) was organized by the University of Padua and the University of Ljubljana – Faculty of Arts & Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. The conference was carried out as part of the project Hegel's Political Metaphysics (J6-2590), which is financed by the Slovenian Research Agency.
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