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Black Ops 1 Zombies Will Never Be Outdated

Zesty Moon 161,294 11 months ago
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thanks to @TheFrosty_1 for the collab music used: 0:00 Intro (ace attorney justice for all: search in the midst) 2:04 Kino Der Toten (patricia Taxxon: retrograde) 20:57 Five (FNAF pizza simulator: smashing windshields) (dragon ball Z: prologue theme 2) 41:12 Ascension (solid state scouter remake by @GladiusThemes ) (Fnaf 3: bad ending theme) 56:59 Call of the Dead (dragon ball budōkai tenkaichi 2: lost courage) (metal gear rising: stains of time instrumental) 1:18:14 Shangri La (ace attorney trails and tribulations: Middle stage) 1:38:31 World at War Remasters (ace attorney justice for all: Cross examination) 1:47:25 Moon (lego batman 3 beyond gotham: virtual reality) 2:08:32 Outro (call of duty black ops 1:damned) #blackops #zombiesmaps #callofduty #tierlist #blackops1 #blackops2 #blackops3 #thesmithplays #ranking #zombiesmaps #ZNS #zetsubou #BO3 #Dereisendrache #DLC1 #bo3DLC #codzombies #firebow #stormbow #voidbow #wolfbow #raygun #deathray #panzer #panzersoldat #blackops4 #bloodofthedead #botd #bo4 #magmagat #EE #easteregg #zombiechronicles2 #chronicles #wavegun #moon #tranzit #dierise #buried #origins #wonderweapon #mrtlexify #voyageofdespair #retrospectives #gta #gta5 #loading
