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Blackburn Buccaneer - Insane Low Level Bomber Americans couldn't shoot down - (Full Story)

Aviation Republic 920,602 9 months ago
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#buccaneer #blackburnbuccaneer #coldwarjet This video was a labour of love, I got to dive deep into the story of the amazing Banana Jet, the great Blackburn Buccaneer, I may have gone a little over the top, but hey, it's one of the greatest jets to ever grace the skies, even if those skies where around 20ft above the deck. I have tried to cover the earlier history and development of the Buccaneer, along with her service and various deployments. I hope you enjoy the video and please help out the channel but leaving a comment and a like. Many thanks, Joe. Interview with Ken Norman Credits: METEOR: Chris Phutully - Gloster Meteor F.8 RAF Gloster Javelin FAW9 - Richard Vandervord Alan Wilson Sea Witch - Peter Francis Hello Sailor - Les Chatfield Contents: 00:00 - Intro 01:22 - The Red Menace 03:23 - In the beginning 05:45 - Blackburn B.103 08:11 - Blackburn Wins 10:35 - Area Rule 11:27 - Built Like a Brick Outhouse 14:54 - Escape from Pirate Island 15:59 - Engines Hot 18:16 - Testing Times Begin 24:21 - Fill her up, Joe 26:03 - S.1 Woes 29:34 - The Sky Pirate - Buccaneer S.2 34:41 - Oily Situation – Tanker Attack 36:15 - Deep Blue Service 39:22 - Hit the floor, it’s 24! 44:49 - RAF Bricks 49:05 - Red Flag 52:08 - Grandma Goes to Gulf War 56:03 - End of the Runway “NOTWITHSTANDING THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 106 AND 106A, THE FAIR USE OF A COPYRIGHTED WORK, INCLUDING SUCH USE BY REPRODUCTION IN COPIES OR PHONORECORDS OR BY ANY OTHER MEANS SPECIFIED BY THAT SECTION, FOR PURPOSES SUCH AS CRITICISM, COMMENT, NEWS REPORTING, TEACHING (INCLUDING MULTIPLE COPIES FOR CLASSROOM USE), SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH, IS NOT AN INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHT.” THIS VIDEO AND OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL IN GENERAL MAY CONTAIN CERTAIN COPYRIGHTED WORKS THAT WERE NOT SPECIFICALLY AUTHORIZED TO BE USED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), BUT WHICH WE BELIEVE IN GOOD FAITH ARE PROTECTED BY FEDERAL LAW AND THE FAIR USE DOCTRINE FOR ONE OR MORE OF THE REASONS NOTED ABOVE. IF YOU HAVE ANY SPECIFIC CONCERNS ABOUT THIS VIDEO OR OUR POSITION ON THE FAIR USE DEFENSE, PLEASE CONTACT US AT [email protected] SO WE CAN DISCUSS AMICABLY.
