Blake Snell is a repeat mechanical model we use with our Remote Athletes especially when it comes to arm action. How does he get into such extreme positions during his arm swing? What factors contribute to his ability to be one of the most dominant pitchers in the league, and what can we learn from Blake in regards to creating an efficient and explosive delivery?
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0:00 Blake Snell Mechanical Breakdown
0:20 Quick Facts
1:28 Foot Position
3:17 Is Throwing Crossbody Necessarily Bad?
5:54 Leg Lift + Linear Move
12:13 Arm Action
17:25 Front Leg Patterns
20:05 Like and Subscribe!
Video Credits: MLB, Walt Hilsenbeck, Adam Hayes, Instagram: Pitchersnation, Twitter: PitchingNinja, Sports Productions, MVPFLF
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