This conference was not only intended for artists but also for a general audience, to help them understand this new animation technique and maybe motivate them to start a new hobby XD.
Thanks to Mauro Rego for presenting the conference, and also Daniela and the team for the organization ! This was a private conference, but here it is finally available for everyone.
In such a short time, it is impossible to go deep and show all the possibilities of Blender and the grease pencil tool, but I hope this presentation and live drawing will be enough to make you want to go further on learning 2d/3d animation.
00:00 Introduction, what can you do with Blender
03:24 Let's open and explore a blender file !
09:50 Making a simple animation : the drawing tools, modifiers and duplicates
26:58 Intermediate animation
46:09 The end result, and extra modifications
Thanks for your support on my tipeee page !