''परमेश्वरको उपस्थितीमा आशिष् ( Blessing on God's Presence )'' by Pastor Keshab Acharya.
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Supernatural Harvest Ministries
Pokhara Lekhnath-29, Powerhouse Kaski
Email: [email protected]
Whatsapp/ IMO/ Viber +9779817141734
Prayer call +977-61620388
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Abundant Harvest Church
प्रशस्त कटनी मण्डली
पोखरा लेखनाथ-२९, पावरहाउस
प्रत्येक शनिवार बिहान १०-१२:३० सम्म
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परमेश्वर पिताले तपाईलाई आशिष दिउन।
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