00:00 | Intro
07:05 | Richard AZ-Technological Singularity
23:25 | Josh TX-Spiritual Deconstruction
1:06:14 | Tyler CO-Creationism=Science?
2:14:31 | Hayden AZ-Abortion Rights
#christianity #religion #atheism
Welcome to the Atheist Experience with the best evolutionary scientist to ever YouTube, Forrest Valkie! And from across the pond and lover of ducks, our guest co-host Emma Thorne.
Our first call is from Richard in Arizona who wants to talk to Forrest and Ema who is trying to reconcile the worry of AI. . Now, we can have sympathy for Richard here as AI is a concern, but when we start doom spiraling with our fear, we will come to all kinds of disastrous outcomes. Eventually both Ema and Forrest point out there is no point to worry about it till we have something to worry about. That managing that anxiety and not allow our minds when faced with the unknown to fall into all the negative outcomes.
Josh calls next from Texas to discuss that he is still a theist, but is working through his deconstruction, reconciling conflicting ideas, science as the thing that brought him out of dogmatic belief, and working to find community.
Number three we got Tyler from Colorado, who claims there is science in the bible, esp. In regards to evolution. Now, Forrest is a evolutionary scientist, wanna guess how well this went? Yeah, not great. Please enjoy!
Our last caller is Hayden also from Arizona, who wanted to talk Ema and Forrest about the science of abortion and reproductive rights.
Call the show on Sundays 4:30pm-6:00pm CT: 1-512-991-9242 or use your computer 💻 http://tiny.cc/callaxp and tell us what you believe and why!
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Shelley Segal "Saved" http://www.shelleysegal.com/
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