Let's make some LED's blink! Supposedly the "hello world" of electronics, the astable multivibrator seems a bit too complicated for me to give it that name, but let's give it a shot!
Schematic Credit: https://www.electronics-tutorials.ws/waveforms/astable.html
00:00 Starting Build
00:18 Adding Resistors
00:38 Adding Transistors
05:36 Adding Capacitors
08:44 Adding LED Outputs
09:20 First Try (FAIL)
11:10 Second Try (SUCCESS!)
12:17 How to read capacitor on oscilloscope
13:20 How to Slow Down LED Blinking
14:20 Trying to understand what's happening
Transistors being used here: 2N3904 (NPN BJT)
1K / 1,000ohm resistors
10K / 10,000 ohm resistors
Basic LED's (forward voltage drop ~1.8V)
Power source: 3V (measured at 3.3V approx)