Blue Spider Lilies do not exist in nature. While Spider Lilies are typically red, with rare varieties in white or pale yellow, there are no naturally occurring blue ones. Any photos of blue Spider Lilies found on the internet are digitally altered.
The scientific name of the red spider lily is Lycoris radiata. It is also known as the "Hurricane Lily" because it blooms in September, a time of frequent typhoons in Japan. Due to its resemblance to Amaryllis and its tendency to grow in clusters, it is also called the "Cluster Amaryllis."
In Buddhism, the term *Higan* (彼岸) refers to both the state of enlightenment and the afterlife. The flower’s association with death and the otherworld stems from its toxic bulbs, which were historically planted around rice fields and gravesites to keep rodents and moles away.
*Higan* also refers to a seven-day period surrounding the spring and autumn equinoxes. During these times, it is believed that the boundary between the living and the dead becomes thin, prompting people in Japan to visit graves and pay respects to their ancestors. The Spider Lily was named after this period because it blooms around the autumn equinox.
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