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Blueberry Cake (vegan) ☆ ブルーベリーケーキの作り方

Peaceful Cuisine 2,570,120 9 years ago
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Enjoy the beautiful color ;) 今回のブルーベリーは町田にある小山田ブルーベリー園さんで摘んできました。 無農薬で作っておられます(^^) 行ってみてね! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Facebook : Instagram: Website : 2nd Channel : ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingredients: 7 inch round cake pan For the base: 30g almond 40g rolled oats 30g oil 30g dates For the filling: 150g cashew nuts 100g blueberry 130g sweetener 200g coconut milk 200g water 1 1/2 tsp agar powder(there's no substitution for this as this is coagulant) 2 tbsp kudzu starch(you could use other kind of starch or even skip this. starch gives a kind of chewy texture) 200g bluberry Instructions: 1. put all the ingredients of the base into a container of food processor and blend well. 2. put the mixture in a cake pan evenly. bake at 350F/180C for 15 min. 3. put all the ingredients of the filling together and blend with high powder blender. 4. gently heat the mixture up with low to medium heat until it thickens. 5. place another 200g blueberries on the base then pour the filling mixture. 6. leave in a fridge for a few hours. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingredients in this recipe are: Bob's Red Mill, Organic Old Fashioned Rolled Oats Woodstock, Organic, Raw Almonds Bergin Fruit and Nut Company, Organic Medjool Date Rapunzel, Organic Whole Cane Sugar Sunfood, Creamy Whole Cashews Eden Foods, Organic Kuzu Root Starch Now Foods, Agar Powder ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I often order organic foods from iHerb. Check out their HP below. Use a Code YOY970 to get up to $10.00 off on your first purchase. They ship internationally at low price. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 「材料」18cm丸ケーキ型 アーモンド 30g オーツ 40g オイル 30g デーツ 30g カシューナッツ 150g ブルーベリー 100g きび砂糖 130g ココナッツミルク 200g 水 200g 葛粉 大さじ2 粉寒天 小さじ1.5 ブルーベリー 200g 「作り方」 1、ベース生地の材料を全てフードプロセッサーでよく撹拌し、型に敷き詰める。 2、180℃で15分焼く。 3、フィリングの材料をブレンダーでよく撹拌する。 4、弱火〜中火にかけてとろみがつくまで温める。 5、ブルーベリー200gを型に敷き詰め、フィリングを流し込む。 6、冷蔵庫で2〜3時間冷やしたら出来上がり。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipments & etc: Camera : Sony A7RII Lens : FE 35mm F1.4 ZA [SEL35F14Z] Lens Filter : Kenko variable NDX 82mm Mic:SHURE VP83 Monitor : Atomos Ninja Assassin Tripods:SLIK carbon 923 pro/ SLIK carbon 823 pro/ SLIK mini pro 7 Software : Adobe Premiere Pro CC Music : Footsteps From Here/Dan Phillipson( -----------------------------------------------------------------------
