In this video, I'm showing how to use toolset32 which is a really strong tool! Description.
In the future, we will learn how to use the NCS Expert! So SUBSCRIBE! Description.
Be aware there two type of files the one is FRM_70 and the second is FRM_87
How to install BMW tools -
How to start Coiding -
0x00 high beam headlights AUSGANG_FL_LINKS on the left, E92 / E93: Abbiegelicht on the left
0x01 high beam headlights AUSGANG_FL_RECHTS on the right, E92 / E93: Abbiegelicht on the right
0x02 dimmed headlights AUSGANG_AL_LINKS on the left
0x03 dimmed headlights AUSGANG_AL_RECHTS on the right
0x04 sidelight AUSGANG_BEGRL_LINKS on the left
0x05 sidelight AUSGANG_BEGRL_RECHTS on the right
0x06 fog lamp AUSGANG_NSW_LINKS on the left
0x07 fog lamp AUSGANG_NSW_RECHTS on the right
0x08 direction indicator AUSGANG_FRA_LINKS_VORN on the left in front
0x09 direction indicator AUSGANG_FRA_RECHTS_VORN on the right in front
0x0A direction indicator AUSGANG_FRA_LINKS_HINTEN on the left behind
0x0B direction indicator AUSGANG_FRA_RECHTS_HINTEN on the right behind
0x0C UNBELEGT_1 uncovered 1
0x0D lighting AUSGANG_BEL_WBL_TASTE WBL tracer
0x0E stoplight AUSGANG_BREMSLICHT_LINKS on the left
0x0F stoplight AUSGANG_BREMSLICHT_RECHTS on the right
0x10 stoplight AUSGANG_BREMSLICHT_MITTE mitte
0x11 AUSGANG_SL_BL_LINKS_1 tail light / stoplight on the left 1, E92 / E93: Day driving light on the left
0x12 AUSGANG_SL_BL_RECHTS_1 tail light / stoplight on the right 1, E92 / E93: Day driving light on the right
0x13 AUSGANG_SL_BL_LINKS_2 tail light / stoplight to the left of 2
0x14 AUSGANG_SL_BL_RECHTS_2 tail light / stoplight to the right of 2
0x15 sign light AUSGANG_KZL
0x16 interior lighting AUSGANG_INNENBELEUCHTUNG
0x17 AUSGANG_NSL_LINKS nebulous tail light on the left
0x18 AUSGANG_NSL_RECHTS nebulous tail light on the right
0x19 back driving light AUSGANG_RFL_LINKS on the left
0x1A back driving light AUSGANG_RFL_RECHTS on the right
0x1B break Force display AUSGANG_BFD_LINKS on the left
0x1C break Force display AUSGANG_BFD_RECHTS on the right
0x1D clip AUSGANG_KL_58G 58 gs
0x00 high beam headlights AUSGANG_FL_LINKS or Abbiegelicht on the left
0x01 high beam headlights AUSGANG_FL_RECHTS or Abbiegelicht on the right
0x02 dimmed headlights AUSGANG_AL_LINKS on the left
0x03 dimmed headlights AUSGANG_AL_RECHTS on the right
0x04 sidelight AUSGANG_BEGRL_LINKS on the left
0x05 sidelight AUSGANG_BEGRL_RECHTS on the right
0x06 fog lamp AUSGANG_NSW_LINKS on the left, PL3 from 07/14 and (SA5A1 or SA896): Stoplight on the left
0x07 fog lamp AUSGANG_NSW_RECHTS on the right, PL3 from 07/14 and (SA5A1 or SA896): Stoplight on the right
0x08 direction indicator AUSGANG_FRA_LINKS_VORN on the left in front
0x09 direction indicator AUSGANG_FRA_RECHTS_VORN on the right in front
0x0A direction indicator AUSGANG_FRA_LINKS_HINTEN on the left behind
0x0B direction indicator AUSGANG_FRA_RECHTS_HINTEN on the right behind
0x0C AUSGANG_R56_CS_ORANGE PL3: Colour-Switch orange, but: LED addition direction indicator on the left
0x0D AUSGANG_R56_CS_BLAU PL3: Colour-Switch blue, but: LED addition direction indicator on the right
0x0E stoplight AUSGANG_BREMSLICHT_LINKS on the left, PL3 from 07/14 and SA5A1: Day driving light LED, PL3 from 07/14 and SA896: Day driving light on the left
0x0F stoplight AUSGANG_BREMSLICHT_RECHTS on the right, PL3 from 07/14 and SA5A1: Fog lamp LED, PL3 from 07/14 and SA896: Day driving light on the right
0x10 stoplight AUSGANG_BREMSLICHT_MITTE mitte
0x11 AUSGANG_SL_BL_LINKS_1 tail light / stoplight on the left 1
0x12 AUSGANG_SL_BL_RECHTS_1 tail light / stoplight on the right 1
0x13 AUSGANG_E70_SL_BL_LINKS_2_R56_SML_LV_RH E70: Tail light to the left of 2, R56: Side mark light on the left in front, on the right behind
0x14 AUSGANG_E70_SL_BL_RECHTS_2_R56_SML_RV_LH E70: Tail light to the right of 2, R56: Side mark light on the right in front, on the left behind
0x15 sign light AUSGANG_KZL
0x16 interior lighting AUSGANG_INNENBELEUCHTUNG
0x17 AUSGANG_NSL_LINKS nebulous tail light, the US: Break Force display on the left
0x18 AUSGANG_NSL_RECHTS nebulous tail light, the US: Break Force display on the right
0x19 back driving light AUSGANG_RFL_LINKS on the left Editor-in-chief: Vitalii Makhnovets