2007 BMW X3 3.0SI 3.0L, L6
Customer Concern: Check engine light is on.
Tests/Procedures: 1. Check for sludging of oil and lack of oil changes during the vehicle history.
VVT Solenoid: https://amzn.to/2IczM7N
Pocket Code Reader: https://amzn.to/2DZpdCM
Power Probe tester: http://amzn.to/2FN2r70
Sludging of the oil and burnt oil can lead to the camshafts not being able to adjust as commanded by the engine control module. Oil pressure is controlled by solenoids mounted on the engine near the camshafts. Poor flow and lack of oil pressure will cause slow or no movement of the camshaft timing mechanism.
2. Check the solenoids themselves for power at one of the wires to the solenoid. Ground the other wire at the solenoid and the solenoid should click. If not, the solenoid is faulty. Different codes should be set for faulty solenoids, but it should be verified anyway.
3. Remove the solenoids and look at the oil or lack of oil, that comes out of the solenoids when removed. If gummed up and burnt, oil supply could be at issue.
4. Incorrect timing of the engine can also lead to this code being set. If the engine was recently disassembled and the proper tools were not used for camshaft timing, the engine will need to be set up properly.
Tech Tips: Both fault codes relate to incorrect camshaft timing or camshaft timing control problems.
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Reggie Curtis The Flat Rate Mechanic. 25 year ASE Master Automotive Technician and Advanced level ASE certified. #FlatRateMechanic #DIYAutoRepair #FixIt Check out The Flat Rate Mechanics Tool Store on Amazon https://goo.gl/M8MpdC
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