Here's everything you need to know about water, soil, and fertilizer for your bonsai tree, condensed into one video! You need to think of these three things as a system rather than separate parts. If you do all three, your bonsai will be very successful!
0:00 Introduction
0:15 Your feedback on my soil mix
1:05 Soil, water, and fertilizer as a system
2:00 Bonsai books to read
4:35 Should you use akadama for bonsai
4:47 General bonsai soil mix
5:03 Bonsai soil mix for humid areas
5:15 Bonsai soil mix for hot & dry areas
5:34 Benefits of clay in bonsai soil
6:55 My bonsai soil mix
7:10 Bonsai soil mix for maple or willow trees
7:17 Bonsai soil mix for pine trees
7:23 Pros & cons of my soil mix
7:58 Water drainage in bonsai
9:07 Benefits of Akadama for bonsai
9:24 Cons of Akadama for bonsai
10:21 Pros & cons of pumice and lava rock for bonsai
10:40 Pros & cons of sand for bonsai
11:43 Summary of bonsai tips
To see my other videos on soil, watering, and fertilizer, please check these out:
- My Proven Soil Mix for Bonsai:
- All About Watering, Soil, & Fertilizing for Bonsai Beginners:
- Best Soil Components for Growing Healthy Bonsai | Q&A:
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