I want to SHOW you how much money self-published authors make on their books, by showing you what ebook and paperback royalties look like on KDP for different size novels and different prices!
◦ How to Upload to KDP: https://youtu.be/whcjFfAtcJI
◦ Creating a Mobi File (Sending Your Book to Kindle) Video: https://youtu.be/VraN183asdU
◦ How Much I Made From My Books in Jan 2020 (PATRON EXCLUSIVE VIDEO): https://www.patreon.com/posts/34038770
◦ The Cursed Hunter Preorder: https://books2read.com/thecursedhunter
◦ The Stolen Kingdom 99 Cent SALE: https://books2read.com/thestolenkingdom
◦ My Patreon Page: https://www.patreon.com/bethanyatazadeh
◦ KDP's paperback royalty page: https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G201834310
◦ KDP's ebook royalties: https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200634500
◦ How to Upload to Ingramspark: https://youtu.be/Te3C9d45E6A
◦ How Hard is Self-Publishing: https://youtu.be/Wu1IfNdu73s
◦ How Much Money Do Indie Authors Make: https://youtu.be/Od1nVsCEYjM
◦ How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish: https://youtu.be/xVVAx-B16N4
◦ How many books do I need to sell to make $50,000? https://youtu.be/K53YwQcFDOQ
◦ Publishing on a Budget: https://youtu.be/0JOj1bmmUm4
📚 T H E S T O L E N K I N G D O M S E R I E S :
◦ COLLECTOR'S EDITION / BOX SET: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09KF5YYZJ
◦ THE SECRET GIFT: https://books2read.com/thesecretgift
◦ THE STOLEN KINGDOM: https://books2read.com/thestolenkingdom
◦ THE JINNI KEY: https://books2read.com/thejinnikey
◦ THE CURSED HUNTER: https://books2read.com/thecursedhunter
◦ THE ENCHANTED CROWN: https://books2read.com/theenchantedcrown
◦ The Stolen Kingdom Audiobook: https://www.audible.com/pd/B088FVQNJK/?source_code=AUDFPWS0223189MWT-BK-ACX0-195681&ref=acx_bty_BK_ACX0_195681_rh_us
📖 B E C O M E A P A T R O N :
Where you can receive digital early reader copies of my books, writing & publishing advice, help with your author platform, meet writer friends, and more!
💻 M Y A U T H O R N E W S L E T T E R :
Sign up for FREE exclusives (the first HALF of The Stolen Kingdom + a step-by-step self-publishing guide): https://www.bethanyatazadeh.com/contact
❤️ M Y M E R C H :
📒 M Y O T H E R W O R K :
◦ EVALENE'S NUMBER: https://amzn.to/2LyJt87
◦ PEARL'S NUMBER: https://amzn.to/38FsJok
◦ MARKETING FOR AUTHORS SERIES: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09CY8PCYK
◦ THE CONFIDENT CORGI: https://amzn.to/3oUIa1u
◦ Novel Planner Notebook: https://amzn.to/2LvyD2G
❤️ C O M P A N I E S I L O V E & A M A N A F F I L I A T E F O R :
◦ PUBLISH AND THRIVE: https://heartbreathings.teachable.com/courses/publish-and-thrive?affcode=145068_cetumz57
◦ THE BOOK LAUNCH PLANNER & STICKERS (10% off discount code is BETHANY10): https://thebooklaunchplanner.com/?ref=QOknrNnHtPsOE
◦ EPIDEMIC SOUND (where I get my music! If you'd like to try it for a month, using this link gives me a free month! Thank you in advance!): https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/pltye4/
◦ DRAFT2DIGITAL: https://www.draft2digital.com/bethanyatazadeh
💬 L E T ' S C O N N E C T 💬
Website | https://www.bethanyatazadeh.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/authorbethanyatazadeh
YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/bethanyatazadeh
Patreon | https://www.patreon.com/bethanyatazadeh
Thanks for watching!
❤️ Bethany
Note: some of these links are affiliate links and will support me with a little extra income at no extra cost to you. :)
#Authortube #SelfPublishing #Royalties