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Step into a world where traditional shamisen meets futuristic cyberpunk energy. This mix is designed to keep your mind sharp, enhance your focus, and create a productive atmosphere for studying, working, and creative projects.
Focus Elements:
• Hypnotic shamisen melodies
• Energizing cyberpunk beats
• Rhythmic flow to maintain deep concentration
• Optimized for productivity and creativity
Perfect For:
• Studying with full concentration
• Powering through challenging work sessions
• Immersing yourself in a cyberpunk-inspired environment
• Boosting creativity and staying motivated
• 集中力を高めたい勉強や作業のとき
• チャレンジングなタスクをこなしたいとき
• サイバーパンクな雰囲気を楽しみながら作業したいとき
• クリエイティブな発想を引き出し、モチベーションを維持したいとき
00:00:00 track 1
00:01:38 track 2
00:04:57 track 3
00:06:56 track 4
00:08:26 track 5
00:10:45 track 6
00:13:04 track 7
00:14:51 track 8
00:17:02 track 9
00:20:48 track 10
00:22:38 track 11
00:24:46 track 12
00:26:10 track 13
00:28:43 track 14
00:30:36 track 15
00:32:00 track 16
00:33:17 track 17
00:37:35 track 18
00:39:12 track 19
00:41:18 track 20
00:43:01 track 21
00:44:29 track 22
00:46:02 track 23
00:47:19 track 24
00:50:33 track 25
00:52:30 track 26
00:54:35 track 27
00:56:40 track 28
00:58:03 track 29
#cyberpunk #shamisen #japanese #studymusic #focusmusic #japanesemusic #サイバーパンク #三味線 #和風bgm #作業用bgm #集中bgm #shamisen_girl_jpn #和楽器