"Borani Esfenaj" or "Borani-e Esfenaj" is a delicious Persian dish of spinach and yogurt that can be enjoyed as either an appetizer or side dish. Other types of borani are made with eggplants, squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins. When vegetables are used in making a borani, they are usually boiled and then sautéed before being mixed with yogurt. Enjoy!
20 oz (567 g) Spinach (اسفناج)
15 oz (425 g) Plain Yogurt (ماست)
7-3/4 oz (220 g) White Onion (پیاز سفید), diced
1-1/2 oz (43 g) Jalapeño Pepper (فلفل هالاپینو), diced
1 oz (29 g) Crushed Walnuts (گردوی خرد شده)
1 tsp Salt (نمک), to taste
1/2 tsp Black Pepper (فلفل سیاه), to taste
4 cups Boiled Water (آب جوشیده), as needed
- Olive Oil, as needed (روغن زیتون به میزان لازم)
- Fresh mint leaves (برگ نعناع تازه)
- Walnut halves (گردو نصف شده)
- Crushed Red Pepper (فلفل قرمز خرد شده)
- Pita chips or bread (چیپس پیتا یا نان)
tsp: قاشق چایخوری
tbsp: قاشق غذاخوری
cup: پیمانه
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