Tyler and K.C. keep rolling in the Buck Truck to the great state of South Dakota to meet their friend, Tony Peterson. They look to capitalize on some historical data while hunting public deer on a bed to feed pattern. The drought all but foils their plans, making it pretty difficult to find whitetails in their normally luscious range. With some intensive mapping and scouting, the fellas put together a plan to hunt some new areas in hopes of finding a mature buck. Tragedy strikes, but out of the lowest of lows comes knowledge gained and new stories to share.
#fueledbynature #meateater
Presented by @VortexOpticsUSA
Follow K.C. and Tyler here: https://www.instagram.com/theelementwild/
Check out The Element Podcast here: https://www.themeateater.com/listen/the-element
Check out @TheElementWild YouTube page for more from Tyler and K.C.
Check out the gear the MeatEater Crew uses in the field here: https://store.themeateater.com
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