EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW BY RIATH AL-SAMARRAI: Nothing in this small, silent living room hits harder than a picture. Hanging on a wall in the corner, above the recliner, the old painting keeps vigil over a blind fighter who has never seen it. Perhaps Gerald McClellan doesn't even know it's there. But he has been told parts of its story, many times, and the details usually drift to unreachable places. And so he sits in his chair, same as always, oblivious to what's in the faded gold frame and only loosely aware that we are in his house, in Freeport, Illinois, 6,400 miles west of a demolished arena in London. The arena where everything went dark 30 years ago this week. #nigelbenn #GeraldMcClellan
Original Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-14425401/Gerald-McClellan-boxing-blind-brain-damaged.html
Original Video: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/boxing/video-3379355/Video-Gerald-McClellan-discusses-Nigel-Benn-fight-sister-Lisa.html
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