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贺年鲍鱼冬菇豆包烩西兰花 Braised Abalone & Shiitake Mushroom with Broccoli

Nanyang Kitchen 60,386 1 year ago
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冬菇用最经济常见的光面菇,用温水,加点木薯粉和糖,只须一个小时多就能把冬菇泡到又软又嫩了。鲍鱼我是用比较大粒的罐头10头鲍,一罐RM60,经济实惠。简单的把冬菇焖软,再加入鲍鱼和炸过的豆包煮片刻。然后把酱汁打个芡,配上西兰花,隆重又满满仪式感的年菜又做好啦! 分量:7-8人份 准备时间:15分钟 煮时:40 分钟 材料A: 1小段 姜(去皮切片) 100克 大冬菇* 1汤匙 油 材料B* (调味料): 1汤匙 酱油 1汤匙 蚝油 1汤匙 鲍鱼汁 ½ 茶匙 糖 600毫升 水 材料C: 2汤匙 粟粉水(1汤匙粟米+2汤匙水拌匀) 10片 豆包 10粒 即食鲍鱼 材料D: 1粒 西兰花 (切朵) 少许 盐 少许 油 准备功夫: 1. 把冬菇放入个大盆,加入适量的温水,1汤匙木薯粉和糖,拌匀浸泡1小时/变软。把冬菇洗净沥水待用 2. 豆包煎至金黄色,出锅待用 3. 煮滚1锅水,加入少许盐和油,下西兰花,焯水1分钟,沥水出锅 做法: 1. 热锅,加入姜片,煸香 2. 加入油和冬菇,炒匀爆香 3. 加入材料B,炒匀煮滚 5. 盖上,转慢火焖煮30钟 6. 起盖,加入豆包和鲍鱼,炒匀,盖上慢火继续煮5分钟 7. 起盖,食材出锅, 摆在个含有已经焯水过的西兰花的大碟里 8. 把玉米水加入锅里勾芡 9. 酱汁出锅淋在菜上面,趁热享用 *小提示: 1. 如果你用的是日本花菇,须加长浸泡时间和煮时 2. 吃得比较咸的朋友须自行加盐 3. 罐头即食鲍鱼不宜久煮,会变硬兼缩水 For a smoother texture, soak the mushrooms in a mixture of tapioca starch and sugar. This helps achieve the silky texture that is an important feature of this celebrated Chinese New Year dish. Portion: 7-8 pax Prep Time: 15 minutes Cook Time: 40 minutes Ingredients A: 6 slice young ginger 100 g shiitake mushroom* 1 tbsp cooking oil Ingredients B* (seasoning): 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tbsp abalone sauce ½ tsp sugar 600 ml water (enough to submerge the chicken drumstick) Ingredients C: 2 tbsp cornstarch mixture (1 tbsp cornstarch + 2 tbsp water, mix well) 10 pc fresh soy chip 10 pc canned abalone Ingredients D: 1 pc broccoli (cut) Some salt Some cooking oil Preparations: 1. Place shiitake mushroom into a big pot, soak with warm water, 1 tbsp tapioca starch, 1 tbsp sugar & soak for 1 hour, wash & drain the shiitake mushroom, set aside 2. Fry the fresh soy chip until golden brown, set aside 3. Bring a pot of water to boil, add some salt & cooking oil, add broccoli & blanch, drain & retrieve Steps: 1. Heat the wok, add ginger slice, dry fry 2. Add cooking oil & shiitake mushroom, saute 3. Add Ingredients B, fry evenly & bring to boil 4. Cover with lid, switch to low heat & simmer for 30 minutes 5. Lift the lid, add fried fresh soy chip & abalone, fry evenly, cover & simmer for 5 minutes 6. Lift the lid, fry well, retrieve the ingredients & place on a big plate together with broccoli 7. Add cornstarch mixture into the sauce & make gravy 8. Add gravy onto the plate, ready to serve! * Notes: 1. Extend soaking & cooking duration if you use Japanese shiitake mushroom 2. You may add salt to season if you prefer 3. Canned abalone is not recommended for prolonged cooking ⚠️ 转载食谱请注明食谱来自南洋小厨 ⚠️ Please credit Nanyang Kitchen if you re-share this recipe #南洋风味家常菜单 #新年年菜 #nanyangkitchen Visit our website for more recipe: Like us on FB: Follow us on IG: Subscribe to our YT channel:
