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⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 台式紅燒牛肉麪 材料: 急凍金錢腱1隻(約一磅) 白蘿蔔2個(約2斤) 紅蘿蔔2個(約一斤) 上海粗麪2個 芫荽適量 處理: 1. 牛腱,清水解凍。 2. 牛腱已解凍,揸出血水。 3. 大火煲滾一鑊水,放牛腱落鑊,加入紹興酒一湯匙,大火滾起,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水。 4. 預備一個碗,加入調味料: a. 花椒少許 b. 八角少許 c. 香葉3塊 d. 桂皮少許 e. 辣椒乾3隻 f. 小茴香少許 清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水。 烹調: 1. 中火,白鑊,烘牛腱,除去羶味。 2. 加入所有香料,烘至聞到香味,轉最慢火。 3. 加入調味料: a. 蠔油一湯匙 b. 生抽一湯匙 c. 胡椒粉適量 d. 冰糖幾粒 轉大火,加入大滾水一升半,加入老抽半湯匙,大火滾起,冚蓋,轉中慢火,燜半小時。 4. 白蘿蔔,去皮,切一舊舊。 5. 紅蘿蔔,去皮,切一舊舊。 6. 芫荽,洗乾淨,莖部,切碎,尾切段。 7. 另一邊,大火煲滾一鑊水,加入少許鹽,加入白蘿蔔,大火滾起,熄火,冚蓋,攤凍。 8. 大火煲滾一鑊水,大火蒸紅蘿蔔12分鐘。 9. 牛腱已燜了半小時,要再燜15分鐘,熄火。 10. 紅蘿蔔,已蒸好,熄火,焗15分鐘。 11. 白蘿蔔,已浸至軟身,擎乾水。 12. 煮熟麪條。 13. 牛腱已煮好,放碟上,攤凍,打直切大條,淋上牛腱汁。 14. 麪條放碗內,放上白蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔及牛腱,淋上牛腱汁。 15. 灑上芫荽碎及芫荽段。 16. 完成,可享用。 Braised beef shin noodles in Taiwanese style Ingredients: Frozen beef golden coin muscle 1 No. (about 1 lb) White radish 2 Nos. (about 2 catty) Carrot 2 Nos. (about 1 catty) Shanghainese thick noodles 2 Nos. Coriander appropriate amount Preparation: 1. The beef, defrost in tap water. 2. The beef has been defrosted, squeeze the blood comes from it. 3. Heat up a wok of water, put beef in wok. Add in 1 tbsp of Shaoxing wine, heat up at high flame. Rinse thoroughly. Drain. 4. Get ready for a bowl, add seasoning: a. Sichuan peppercorn little b. Star anise little c. Bay leaves 3 Nos. d. Cinnamon little e. Dried chili 3 Nos. f. Fennel little Rinse thoroughly. Drain. Steps: 1. Medium flame, plain wok, fry the beef, to remove unpleasant smells. 2. Add in all the flavour. Fry until you can feel the scent. Turn to the lowest flame. 3. Add seasoning: a. Oyster sauce 1 tbsp b. Light soya sauce 1 tbsp c. Pepper appropriate amount d. Rock sugar several cubes Turn to high flame. Add in 1.5L of boiled-up water. Add in 0.5 tbsp of dark soya sauce. Heat up at high flame. Cover up the wok. Braise for half an hour. 4. The radish, get it peeled. Cut in pieces. 5. The carrot, get it peeled. Cut in pieces. 6. Coriander, rinse with tap water. The stem, chop well. The ends, cut in lengths. 7. On the other side, heat up a wok of water at high flame. Add in little salt. Add in the radish, heat up at high flame. Turn off fire. Cover up the wok. Wait for cooling down. 8. Heat up a wok of water at high flame. Steam the carrot at high flame for 12 minutes. 9. The beef has been braised for half an hour, braise for 15 minutes more. Turn off fire. 10. The carrot has been steamed well, turn off fire. Leave it for 15 minutes. 11. The radish has been softly soaked, drain. 12. Cook the noodles well. 13. The beef has been cooked well, put on plate. Wait for cooling down. Thickly slice vertically. Pour its sauce on top. 14. Put the noodles in a bowl. Put the radish, carrot, and the beef on top. Pour the thick sauce on top. 15. Put coriander cubes on top. 16. Complete. Serve. 台式紅燒牛肉麪 Braised beef shin noodles in Taiwanese style This braised noodles, everyone can prepare easily. It is crunchy and juicy. Follow the steps, you can do it. 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 片尾影片🔵節瓜豬潤瘦肉湯🔵 牛筋牛腩🐂(系列)播放清單 🌈這系列全部影片都有中英文翻譯 粉麵🍜🍝((系列)播放清單人 🌈這系列全部影片都已有中英文翻譯 蘿蔔魚鬆 🔥🔥🔥我有4800多條片🎬大家入呢個網址 😁全部可以睇曬🙏 hip🔥🔥🔥 🔥🔥I have more than 4800 movies🎬Everyone enters this URL 😁All can be viewed 🙏 hip🔥🔥 🙏如果覺得呢條片好睇😁 請幫我分享給一個朋🙏 多謝你支持 👈🙏🤝💖😁
