材料 Ingredients:
- 一罐罐头鲍鱼 a canned of abalone
- 1公斤的鸡脚(炸好的) 1kg of chicken feet
- 一块姜 ginger
- 8-10瓣蒜米 8-10 cloves of garlic
- 2颗八角 2 star anise
- 10-15粒冬菇/花菇 10-15 mushrooms (pre-soak for 2 hour before cook)
- 一碗冬菇水(浸泡过冬菇的水) 1 bowl of soaked mushroom water
- 一汤匙的料酒(或更多) 1 tbsp of cooking wine (or more than 1 tbsp)
- 半汤匙的蚝油 half tbsp of oyster sauce
- 一汤匙的酱油 1tbsp of soy sauce
- 半汤匙的糖 half tbsp of sugar
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