🙏抱歉本片因音樂版權問題須切換音樂而導致影片原聲消失🙏Apologies, due to copyright issues, the original soundtrack of this video has been replaced with different music, resulting in the loss of the original audio.
罐頭小鮑魚 8 隻
乾冬菇 30 克(已浸軟)
紅蔥頭 1 粒
薑 1 塊
蒜頭 2 粒
紹興酒1 湯匙
澱粉1 茶匙
胡椒粉、鹽、糖、食油 適量
1️⃣ 雞去內臟洗淨切件,加入適量薑汁、胡椒粉、鹽、1 湯匙紹興酒、1 茶匙澱粉和少許食油醃制半小時。
2️⃣ 熱鍋下少許油,煎雞件至表面金黃色,加入紅蔥頭、薑和蒜頭爆炒。
3️⃣ 加入浸軟的冬菇,灒入 1 湯匙紹興酒,再加入罐頭小鮑魚和汁,下適量糖,轉中小火炆 8 分鐘即可。
Canned small abalone - 8 pieces
Chicken - 1/2 chicken
Dried shiitake mushrooms - 30g (pre-soaked until soft)
Shallot - 1 bulb
Ginger - 1 piece
Garlic - 2 cloves
Shaoxing wine - 1 tablespoon
Cornstarch - 1 teaspoon
White pepper powder, salt, sugar, cooking oil - as needed
🟢Cooking Directions:
1️⃣ Wash and cut the chicken into pieces, add appropriate amount of ginger juice, white pepper powder, salt, 1 tablespoon Shaoxing wine, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, and a little cooking oil, marinate for half an hour.
2️⃣ Heat a wok with a little oil, fry the chicken pieces until golden brown, add shallot, ginger and garlic, and stir-fry.
3️⃣ Add the soaked shiitake mushrooms, sprinkle 1 tablespoon of Shaoxing wine, then add the canned abalones and its juice, add an appropriate amount of sugar, simmer over medium-low heat for 8 minutes, and serve.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUHbpirAPSaE8YsP82Bcmw 👈請訂閱本台第二頻道 《好易生活頻道 oe living》
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