Brief Introduction of the Surah:
Al-Ḥajj (Arabic: الحج, al-ḥajj; meaning: "The Pilgrimage", "The Hajj") is the 22nd chapter (sūrah) of the Quran with 78 verses (āyāt). This surah takes its name from the 27th verse.
Summary of the Verses:
1-2 The dreadful character of the Judgement Day
3-4 Nadr ibn al-Harith rebuked for his infidelity
5-7 Proofs of the doctrine of the resurrection
8-10 Abu Jahl's obstinate infidelity and its punishment
11-13 Hypocrites exposed and rebuked
14 God will reward the righteous
15-16 God will cause Muhammad and the Quran to triumph
17 God will judge between the followers of conflicting faiths
۩ 18 All creatures praise God
19-24 The awful fate of unbelievers contrasted with the joy of believers
25-26 Profaners of the Kaabah will be punished
27 God appointed the site of the Kaabah an abode for Abraham
28-32 The pilgrimage to Makkah instituted for Muslims
32-35 Rites to be observed by the pilgrims
36 Sacrifices appointed for the professors of every religion
37 The humble believer encouraged
38-39 The sacrifices at Madína symbolical of obedience to God
40-43 War against infidels permitted when in self-defence
44-45 All God's prophets have been accused of imposture
46-47 Infidels blind to God's judgments on the ungodly
48-49 Though God is forbearing he will punish unbelievers
50 Muhammad a public preacher
51-52 Reward and punishment of believers and infidels
53-55 All prophets have been subject to Satanic deception
56-58 The unbelievers incorrigible, but God will judge between them and the righteous
59-60 Blessed condition of the Muhájjarín and martyrs
61 Revenge of personal injuries permitted
62-67 God the Creator and Preserver of all things
68 Professors of other religions not to dispute with Muhammad
69-70 How Muhammad should treat those who dispute with him
71 The Omniscient God has decreed all things
72 Idolaters have no proof from God for their idolatry
73 Unbelievers (Quraish) ready to use violence towards the Muslims
74 The Makkan idols unable to keep the flies off themselves
75 Idolaters have a low estimate of the power of God
76 God chooses messengers from among men and angels
۩ 77 God knoweth all things, and all shall return to him
78 True believers exhorted to worship God and to fight in defence of his religion. Muslims exhorted to be steadfast in the faith of their father Abraham
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