On 31st January 2020, The United Kingdom finally separated from the European Union. In this video, I explain the history and the build-up of both super-national organizations of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) and the European Union which is made up of 28 different European countries. You will understand the geopolitics behind this issue. The issues associated with the Brexit such as the Irish Backstop, the economic decline of Britain, and Scotland's dissent is also discussed here. Everything is explained in Malayalam. The new deal signed as part of the Brexit transformation is also discussed in detail here. How the separation is going to affect Indian businesses and its impact on Indian students and Immigrants from India are also discussed.
#brexit #brexitmalayalam #UK #england #britain #greatbritain #europeanunion #ireland #irishbackstop #scotland #alexplain #eurozone
alexplain is an initiative to explain must know things in simple Malayalam. Because, sometimes, what we need is a simple explanation.