BRICS and Belt and Road are just two of the key features of China’s modern day foreign policy and, some would argue, a new form of internationalism. These development projects are part of China’s more assertive stance toward the United States in recent years, under the leadership of Xi Jinping. But this recent phase in China’s foreign policy is only made possible due to previous decades of careful economic development under the guidance of the CPC which came with its own contradictions they had to carefully navigate. On this episode, Amanda and KJ are joined by Professor Ken Hammond to discuss his new book China and the World, China’s foreign policy over the decades, and what people’s democracy truly looks like.
Our understanding of China — and U.S.-China relations — has become a defining feature of all global politics. The China Report is a new show produced in collaboration with Pivot to Peace where every week, journalist Amanda Yee and political analyst KJ Noh will be helping you through all the propaganda with an independent view of the country we are taught to hate, but know so little about.