#comeback #bookofmormon #churchofjesuschristoflatterdaysaints
"At one point I was at the lowest of the low and I went to church. During church I just decided "OK I am going to have a reset, I am going to fight my way back." So right there I started cleaning up my social media, putting limits on my phone and getting my calendar updated, those types of things. Then after church my friend invited me to stake choir and I decided to give it a chance. We sat down and sang the song "Be Still My Soul" and that was the second time in my life I felt that burning in the bosom, just straight out of the scriptures. An undeniable feeling, I just remembered it again with the peace and the hope and the optimism, the passion. All of those emotions just came flooding, in what I believe, to be the fruits of the spirit."
Bridger shares his inspiring story about his personal struggle with video gaming addiction and falling away from his faith after reading the CES letter. Join us on his journey back and how he overcomes his doubts.
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Come Back Team:
Director, Founder & Host: Ashly Stone
Producer and Senior Editor: Lauren Rose
Outreach Manager: Jenna Carlson
Editor: Michelle Berger
Art Director: Jeremy Garcia