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If you hear the word “asylum”, it most likely conjures creepy, horror vibes. Mental hospitals have long been the source of mystery and curiosity, but what if I told you that we need to bring them back. Just...better. Thanks to deinstitutionalization, psychiatric beds have disappeared at an alarming rate in the past fifty years. But let me say that, overall, I think that's actually been harmful to mental health care. So let's take a deep dive into the complicated past of these scorned institutions and see what kind of role they should play today.
0:00 The legacy of asylums
2:55 Shifting thoughts about mental illness
5:33 Moral treatment and the first asylums
8:00 The steady decline
13:21 Deinstitutionalization
16:11 The failed promise
18:26 Getting yelled at
19:05 The argument for reopening asylums
25:12 My personal experience
26:32 Swinging the pendulum back
28:52 What would modern asylums look like?
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