The Dutch way of raising children has advantages for parents and children alike. In this talk Michelle Hutchison tells the story of how she and her co-author Rina Acosta came to understand the counter intuitive idea that parents can do more for their children and themselves by doing less. Michele Hutchison is an editor, translator and writer. She was born and raised in England and studied at the universities of East Anglia, Cambridge and Lyon. She worked in British publishing before moving to Amsterdam, heavily pregnant, in 2004. There she worked as an editor and became a prominent translator of Dutch literature. She lives in a leaky, old dyke house with her two Dutch children.
With Rina Mae Acosta Michelle is co-author of the bestselling book "The Happiest Kids in the World: How Dutch Parents Help Their Kids (And Themselves) By Doing Less", published in 2017. Rina originally planned to share the stage with Michele but due to difficulties with her pregnancy, contributed to the talk via pre-recorded video.
The Polish translation, "Najszczęśliwsze dzieci na świecie" was published this year. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at