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【澳洲投資秘技】負扣稅如何助你扭轉虧損局面? #澳洲置業 #布里斯班 #brisbane #brisbaneproperty

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1985年就曾經被取消過?負扣稅在澳洲房地產投資中究竟起了什麼大作用?當大家清晰了解負扣稅的運作,就能更明智地做出房地產投資決定。即刻去片! 0:00 Introduction 1:30 什麼是負扣稅 2:21 1985年的政策變動 3:22 當今的社會情況 4:17 負扣稅對澳洲的影響 4:40 增加租賃供應 5:21 穩定租金價格 6:14 鼓勵開發土地 6:47 支持退休計劃和長期投資 7:34 減輕財務負擔 8:20 取消負扣稅的真實情況 11:23 國際經驗借鏡 Josephine 自2011年在澳洲大學畢業後一直居住於Brisbane, 對Brisbane 各區及生活環境都暸如指掌。 畢業後一直從事有關Marketing 工作, 亦與她從事地產十多年的老公涉足在地產方面的不同範疇。 在2019年她正式全面加入地產行列,成為主要代表買家購買房地產的Buyer's Agent。 當中幫助了無數正準備移民到Brisbane, 其他州和當地Brisbane 的買家購買自住和投資物業。 👍 喜歡這影片嗎?記得點贊、分享,並訂閱我的頻道,不要錯過更多有關布里斯班房地產的精彩內容! 🔔 開啟通知,第一時間掌握最新的房地產資訊。 📌 聯絡我們: Facebook: Instagram: Website: Email: [email protected] WhatsApp 📞☎️📲 +61 411 523 415 🪪昆士蘭地產中介牌照號碼3637785 DISCLAIMER No Legal, Financial & Taxation Advice The Listener acknowledges and agrees that: • Any information provided by us is provided as general information and for general information purposes only; • We have not taken the Listeners’ personal and financial circumstances into account when providing information; • We must not and have not provided legal, financial or taxation advice to the Listener; • The information provided must be verified by the Listener prior to the Listener acting or relying on the information by an independent professional advisor including a legal, financial, taxation advisor and the Listener’s accountant; • The information may not be suitable or applicable to the Listener’s individual circumstances; • We do not hold an Australian Financial Services Licence as defined by section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and we are not authorised to provide financial services to the Listener, and we have not provided financial services to the Listener. BGM: Jonny Easton - Purpose" is under a Creative Commons (BY-NC 3.0) license: / jonnyeaston Music powered by BreakingCopyright: • ♾️ Free Piano Music For YouTube - "Purpose" by Jonny Easton 🇬🇧
