Quick summary at 18:22
When youâre a first time chicken owner you do a lot of research. The abundance of information can be overwhelming. In this video I will share the simple way to brood chicks. Donât overthink it and follow these simple steps to a successful raising of chicks. #brooder #babychickens #keepitsimple
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**Email us at: Rockycreekfamily@gmail.com
************ROCKY CREEK HOMESTEAD*****************
After battling Psoriasis for years, I discovered the power of quality food and its positive impact on my skin condition. This sparked my desire to raise my own quality food. So come along with our Family as we transition from urban living to small self sustaining family farm. Learn from both our successes and failures in hopes it may inspire others to try new things. We entered into this journey with no prior experience and hope to provide many laughs and learning experiences. We learned most of how to do what were doing from watching others and hope to be able to provide a similar learning opportunity to anyone else who may benefit from this. Thank you for coming along with us on this journey and we hope it is enjoyable for you and your family.