Dear Viewers
This project all started in mid 2023 when my good friend @thomaslawrence2375 asked me to write an introduction for Bruno The Brakecar from All Engines Go into his series Thomas Reborn. His series is aimed at slightly younger viewers so I sought this as an opportunity to create a story inspired by my own experiences that would educate younger viewers on the concept of Autism and how it truly affects a person.
I was so proud of how this story turned out that I knew immediately I wanted to do an adaptation of this for my own channel. Like with No Happy Ending and Old Wounds I was gonna do it as an Audio story, but I figured this would have more impact if there was a visual element... so what did I do? I asked my friend @aaronwilliams6467 if he'd be willing to do some filming for me since (as you can see clear as day) his filming quality with Trainz is second to none, hence why this is only a one off thing.
Whilst I feel this story has some issues, as some VAs very kindly pointed out (I mean that in a non sarcastic way XD) that some of the wording was a little clunky especially with the Narration and for some reason the video came out a little grainy.
But tbh, this was about telling a story to the world that is really personal to me. Heck, I was originally gonna see if I could find a Charity to use this video as a fundraiser for an Autistic charity but a lot of Adsense nonsense got in the way. But just getting this out feels like relieving myself of a burden in some way and I cant describe how. I put more than just my writing talents into this story, I took influence from some of my own experiences from being on the Spectrum and used words of wisdom given to me by those who stood by me even when I thought I was broken.
So all I really have left to say is... thank you. Not only to those who helped me with this mammoth project, but also to those who stuck by me through thick and thing making me feel like someone worthy of sticking behind.
"Don't focus on what others see or saw in you, because they will never know the full story. Only you know who you are!" - Edward
#thomasandfriends #thomasthetankengine #thomas #train #allenginesgo