在重慶璀璨的夜景中,嘉陵江蜿蜒穿過城市壯麗的天際線,Tatler 與矽谷最引人入勝的長壽先驅 @BryanJohnson 展開對話。這位從科技巨擘蛻變為生物駭客先驅的人物,分享了他非凡的蛻變歷程——從一位功成名就的企業家,到一個決心重寫人類壽命的大膽先行者。在這次深入對談中,Johnson 揭示了他為破解生物衰老密碼而經歷的深思熟慮的冒險、突破性實驗和個人突破。更多內容請留意Tatler的報導。
Against the shimmering nightscape of Chongqing, where the Jialing River weaves through the city's dramatic skyline, Tatler sat down with Silicon Valley's most intriguing longevity pioneer, Bryan Johnson. The tech mogul turned biohacking pioneer shared his extraordinary metamorphosis—from a successful entrepreneur who achieved financial independence to a determined pioneer on an audacious quest to rewrite human longevity. In this intimate conversation, Johnson reveals the calculated risks, groundbreaking experiments, and personal breakthroughs that define his mission to crack the code of biological aging.
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