1 hour of buck bumble theme perfectly looped
Right about now, it's time to rock with the biggity Buck Bumble
Right about now, it's time to rock with the biggity Buck Bumble
Bump to the bump to the bump to the bass
bump to the bump to the Bumble
Bump to the bump to the bump to the bass
bump to the bump to the Bumble
Bump to the bump to the bump to the bass
bump to the bump to the Bumble
Bump to the bump to the bump to the bass
bump to the bump to the Bumble
Bump to boop to the boop to the boop boop
Bump to the base to the base base base base
Bump to boop to the boop to the boop boop
Bump to the base to the base base base base
He say
He say ma te ulla eh