I caught a bucket of fish at a time and it's not a joke! Tons of fish in a micro river, underwater shooting.
Fishing in winter. Fishing for spider fishing in January 2020. Successful fishing in 2020
You can order a lift spider here - https://vk.com/club161252451
Video of how to make a spider lift yourself - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9PIeCytBzg
Clothes for fishing Sable here - https://vk.cc/a4icgE
10% discount on all RBP promotional code items
Link to the Calypso underwater camera - https://calypso-camera.ru/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=zhuchkov
Also on my channel there are many other videos about fishing on a spider lift, in winter, summer, autumn and spring. There is also hunting and fishing for fishing rods and spinning in Siberia, so go and see https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjERS3Q4R9-3Nhv2EJy50OA?view_as=subscriber
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