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地藏菩薩合集[梵音深情男聲版] 🍀大財神來幫你🍀 擋不住的財運🎇 如意寶珠增財祕法🎇消業增財/地藏菩薩心咒/地藏菩薩增財咒/地藏菩薩心中心咒/地藏菩薩根本咒/地藏菩薩滅定業真言#buddhabeats

ONE LOTUS 一蓮宇宙佛音 429 lượt xem 2 months ago
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Namah samanta budhanam ha-ha-ha vis-ma-ye svaha.
南摩 三曼達 布陀喃 哈哈哈 維思嘛耶 梭哈
Om hahaha vismaye svaha
唵 哈哈哈 微思嘛耶 斯哇哈(梭哈)
3. 地藏菩薩心中心咒:
Om hi-ta cin-ta-ma-ni svaha.
嗡 hi達 今達嘛尼 斯哇哈(梭哈)
4. 地藏菩薩增財咒
Om ksimti raja vasu-dhari prthivi-devi sarva-siddhi svaha
唵 格慶地 拉加 瓦速達哩 比哩梯V-黛V 薩勒瓦 悉地 斯哇哈
5. 地藏菩薩滅定業真言
Om pramardane svāhā
唵 缽囉末鄰陀寧 娑婆訶

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If you want to connect with high-frequency energy, be sure to make a wish in the comments section and leave a message to “return the wish” or “give a handout” when your wish is fulfilled. This is an important part of the energy cycle, and a good way to help yourself spread positive energy to others.

As you listen to the music, visualize the picture, the scene, the feeling of your heart's desire being fulfilled and plant that feeling deep in your heart. Relax and trust that the divine energy will respond to your frequency and a miracle will unfold!

#ksitigarbha #lofibeats #chill #sutra #buddhabeats#ONELOTUS #prosperity #avalokitesvara #shakyamuni_buddha #mantras #mantra #lofichill #lofibuddha#tibetanbuddhism#relaxingbeat#meditation#wealthymindset #frequencyheals#888hz#prayermusic#zenmusic#energyhealer #attractionlaw
#禪#冥想 #睡眠音樂 #藏傳佛教#放鬆 #學習音樂 #禪修#觀世音菩薩音樂
#釋迦牟尼佛#觀世音菩薩 #智慧 #健康 #悅耳lofi #現代佛樂 #佛曲 #宇宙法則
