Come along with me to a frigid Clear Lake Iowa on the 66th Anniversary of The Day The Music Died. On this day 2/3/59 the music world and fans all over lost Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and, The Big Bopper in a plane crash following their show at The Surf Ballroom during The Winter Dance Party.
Come with me to explore the historic Surf Ballroom, where they have really embraced their history and the legacy of the 3 men who played their final show there.
From there we will go by the airport they took off from that last night, and brace the high winds and cold temperatures to walk the 1/2 mile out into the open cornfield where their plane tragically went down and pay our respects.
#thedaythemusicdied #buddyholly #ritchievalens #thebigbopper
#clearlake #clearlakeiowa #rocknrollhistory #rocknroll
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Music from Soundstripe
Gatsby's Saloon by Dresden, The Flamingo
And Epidemic Sound