Flight chronicle in the cockpit from Buenos Aires (Aeroparque) to Corrientes. FLYBONDI airline on Boeing 737-800
This video was approved and monitored by the company, and all sterile cabinet regulations were followed.
I have been making a travel blog since 2009 and the videos are complements to what you can find at https://www.sirchandler.com.ar
I live south of the City of Buenos Aires 🇦🇷
Discounts on Princess cruises with code SIRCHANDLER through this link https://bit.ly/SirChandler_PCL
Discounts on tours through Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania with the agency that I did tours through Italy, Egypt and Japan I did with EUROVACACIONES. You can request a quote with the 5% SIRCHANDLER discount at https://www.sirchandler.com.ar/eurovacaciones/
Commercial contact at https://www.sirchandler.com.ar/publicidad-en-el-blog/
About the Author
About what work? read my blog and my story on the internet https://www.sirchandler.com.ar/acerca-del-blog/
The travel assistance that I use around the world ASSIST 365 with 5% discount with the SIRCHANDLER coupon https://bit.ly/3DosHgQ
Car rental worldwide with all taxes and insurance included. SIRCHANDLER coupon (on final screen) is 5% off all prepaid rentals https://bit.ly/3DdaEdJ
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More discounts for travelers from all over on car rentals, traveler assistance, etc. at https://www.sirchandler.com.ar/descuentos/
Can you follow me on
Telegram https://t.me/sirchandlerblog
Twitter https://twitter.com/SirChandlerBlog
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sirchandler/
Subscribe to my YouTube channel to find out when each video comes out https://www.youtube.com/user/sirchandler?sub_confirmation=1
I normally record with an iPhone 14 pro max or the Sony A6600 and in my studio with the Sony AX53
My current drone is the DJI Mini 2
I edit normally with Final Cut
All videos are made to complement the blog post https://www.sirchandler.com.ar
More post with flight chronicles here https://www.sirchandler.com.ar/category/cronica-de-vuelo/
More post with interviews here https://www.sirchandler.com.ar/category/otras/entrevista/
More post with trips here https://www.sirchandler.com.ar/category/viajes/