Of all these hillocks the one in Basavanagudi has the maximum number of such rocks and boulders of various shapes and sizes. That’s why long back it was called the Rock garden of the city. Yet, it is more popularly known as Bugle rock park.
The senior Kempegowda not only built the earlier town but made it very prosperous through progressive and far-sighted measures. The surrounding feudal leaders were likely to come and attack the township. So, his son the second Kempegowda, for security purposes, built watchtowers on some of these heights. One such location he identified for a tower was a huge elephantine rock in this garden. Many chroniclers of the city’s history believe that a sentry placed here would blow the bugle and hold a torch that was visible from other watchtowers. This action was intended to inform the people that everything was safe at the location and also to warn the intruders into the city. The existing tower is not similar to the other such structures. Perhaps, the subsequent rulers must have altered the same to suit their requirements. It is also said that during later periods bugle used to be blown to indicate the time. Hence the name Bugle rock garden
#basavanagudi #buglerock #sureshmoona