Build a concrete sink yourself - In this article I show you how you can build a stylish concrete sink very easily and without many tools. The sink you can of course also easily adapt to your individual dimensions. - DIY-
Build your own customized concrete sink easily!
"In this Video I show you how you can easily build a concrete sink yourself."
👉🏻You can find the special concrete used here:
- Styrodur 20 mm
- MDF board 3 mm
- Building silicone *
- MDF filler *
- Epoxy resin *
-siphon pipe *
-sealing ring *
- Release agent *
- concrete
- Reinforcing fabric *
- Table saw *
- Cutter knife *
- Silicone gun *
- Joint remover / modeling ball *
- Cordless screwdriver *
- Stirrer *
👉🏻 I film with this:
- Camera: *
- Microphone: *
All links marked with "*" are Amazon affiliate links.
Grey Element is a partner in the Amazon Affiliate Partner Program.
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On my YouTube channel I publish DIY tutorials for design furniture made of concrete, epoxy, wood and steel at regular intervals.
The author assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided. Liability claims against the author, which refer to damages of a material or non-material nature caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect and incomplete information, are generally excluded.
#GreyElement #concrete #concrete sink #do it yourself #homework #DIY