Ah, the joys of assembling a bicycle! It's not just a matter of putting two wheels together and calling it a day, oh no. You've got to make sure every component is in the right place and functioning properly, otherwise you'll end up with a two-wheeled disaster waiting to happen. We don't want that for this "All" road Rinasclta road bike... do we!
But fear not, dear viewer, for our wonderful bike mechanic, has taken on the challenge of assembling the Rinasclta Granite "All" road bike.
With the added bonus of carrying a little too much winter fat, I'll be sure to put this bike through it paces.
Of course, as with any project, there are bound to be hiccups along the way. But we determined to see this bike through to completion. And with the promise of the L-Twoo Rx groupset being installed in the next episode, we can hardly contain our excitement.
So stay tuned, folks, for the gripping conclusion of "Assembling a Bicycle: The Saga of the Rinasclta Granite" - coming soon to a screen near you
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