In October 2020 I released a video for Fall Polaroid Week shooting Polaroids on my Mamiya RB67 using the Rezivot conversion kit. I was floored by all the positive response I got, but a lot of people were asking me where they could get this back, or if I could make them myself, and I didn't have any answers because Rezivot themselves were no longer making the kits.
But now that has all changed, and here is a video showcasing the Analogue Studio conversion kit! These are still being made today, and they are a fraction of the price of the Rezivot, so that's really exciting news all around!
As always, you can get a closer look at my favourite images from the video on my Instagram page @jesshobbsphoto!
And don't forget that Spring Polaroid Week runs from April 18-25, so let's all grab our Polaroid cameras and get out there!
I also wrote an article for Emulsive's website going into more detail on the build, and more in depth on my thoughts and experiences using the Analogue Studio conversion kit:
If you'd like to purchase one of these kits, or a fully assembled back, for yourself, check out the Analogue Studio website:
And if you'd like to get a glimpse at Alin's work as well, check out his Instagram page @analoguestudiodc!
Thank you so much for watching, and for your continued support!