Project with Spring Boot and MongoDB will help software engineers to develop the skills to build REST APIs using Java Spring Boot with database as MongoDB.
Here 3 layer project architecture i.e. controller layer, service layer and repository layer is explained and developed with DTO design pattern, entity and databases. This project is done with latest Spring Boot version 3.4 and latest Java version 23 and MongoDB with Docker. It is tested using Postman tool and MongoDB Compass.
#springbootproject #springboot #projectwithspringboot #restapitutorial #javaspringbootproject #springboot #springboot3 #mongodb #restapi #java #docker #softwaredeveloper #thinkconstructive #eshapuri #springbootprojectstepbystep #springbootrestapiproject
Some key Spring Boot annotations which are discussed in the session are - @SpringBootApplication , @RestController , @RequestBody , @RequestMapping , @GetMapping , @PostMapping , @PutMapping , @DeleteMapping .
Default Data exchange format is used is JSON.
In this session complete project is build from scratch, hence, feel free attend this course.
Key Concepts
Spring Boot: Provides a framework for building production-ready Spring applications with minimal configuration.
Spring Data MongoDB: Simplifies data access with MongoDB using Spring Data's repository abstraction.
RESTful APIs: Expose your application's functionality through HTTP endpoints.
Postman: Test the REST APIs
MongoDB Compass: GUI Dashboard for MongoDB
Docker: Docker is a platform that packages applications and their dependencies into isolated, portable containers.
More sessions of Java Spring Boot with demonstration are available here. Links 👇
Spring Boot 3 Complete Project Playlist -
Docker Tutorial -
Spring Boot Devtools -
Java Spring Boot Playlist -
Microservices using Java Spring Boot , Spring Cloud -
Java 8 Features -
GitHub Link for the project 👉
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Chapters ⏰
00:00:00 Session Highlights
00:00:11 Welcome Note
00:00:50 What is MongoDB
00:01:35 What is Spring Boot
00:02:27 3 Layer Spring Boot Project Architecture
00:05:30 Project Detail
00:06:12 Bootstrap Spring Boot Project with Spring Initializr
00:09:35 Spring Boot Project Refactoring
00:11:34 Understanding pom.xml
00:14:49 Understanding Docker compose.xml
00:15:58 Run Spring Boot Application and Test
00:19:41 Create Controller Layer Spring Boot
00:20:29 Exposing CRUD Operations Spring Boot
00:30:55 Testing REST APIs using Postman
00:35:40 Create Database Layer Components Spring Boot
00:35:51 Create Entity using Java Records
00:37:26 Create DTO - Data Transfer Object using Java Records
00:38:00 Create Converter for Entity and DTO
00:43:10 Create Repository Layer Spring Boot and MongoDB
00:47:57 Create custom CRUD methods in MongoRepository
00:54:54 Create Service Layer Spring Boot
01:08:57 Refactor Controller Layer
01:16:16 Run Spring Boot Application
01:17:51 Test REST APIs CRUD operations using Postman Tool
01:25:59 MongoDB Compass Overview and Download
01:27:15 Create connection between MongoDB Compass and Spring Boot Application
01:27:46 Check Data in the MongoDB Database
01:29:25 Congratulations and Thank You
Queries ❓
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spring boot 3 project step by step tutorial
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How to build a Spring boot project with MongoDB
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