In this video I begin my experiments in turning dirt and branches into a fully functional blacksmith's forge based on ancient designs and techniques! I hope you enjoy the first episode in my series called Scrapcraeft! This series is my digital journal/portfolio where I'll record my progress in trying to learn the most resourceful and crafty ways to make. I filmed this episode under the Snow Moon down at my workshop at the edge of the woods, and boy was it snowy! I'm still a complete novice at each and every medium depicted in this video, but I learned so much in the progress of making this and I hope to share that with you in this video, and in its follow up where I'll refine clay to test other more elegant and crafty forge designs as I continue to experiment with possibilities. The metropolitan museum of art was an extremely useful resource in the process of making this forge, their archived artifacts are far-reaching and the images they provide are beautiful and high quality. Andy Ward's Ancient pottery channel: PottedHistory channel: Dr. James Dilly's phenomenal video on copper smelting: if you enjoyed this video, please subscribe and share it with your friends!