Woody's 600+HP Barra converted JDM Sleeper wagon has been a dream build for over 5 years and over the last 4 months has undergone a huge transformation.
We've compiled all of the footage and condensed the episodes into one MASSIVE episode.
Going back through the episodes gives you an idea of how much effort went into this project and it wouldn't have been possible without the help of our legendary mates and epic companies that support the show.
Supercheap Auto: https://www.supercheapauto.com.au
Raceworks: https://raceworks.com.au
Haltech: https://www.haltech.com
Go Fast Bits: https://gfb.com.au
Golebys Parts: https://golebysparts.au
Machinery House: https://www.machineryhouse.com.au
Bars Bugs: https://barsbugs.com.au
Garrett Motion: https://www.garrettmotion.com/racing-and-performance/performance-turbos/
Hoppers Stoppers: https://hoppers.com.au
GJ Drivelines: https://gjdrivelines.com.au
Harrop Performance: https://www.harrop.com.au
Eaton Technology: https://www.eaton.com/au/en-gb/products/differentials-traction-control.html
Kelford Cams: https://kelfordcams.com
Ross Performance Parts: https://rossperformanceparts.com
Hughes Performance: https://www.hughesperformance.com
Tuffmounts: https://www.tuffmounts.com.au
Rogan Industries: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064763078038
Knight Family Motorsport: https://www.facebook.com/knightfamilymotorsport/
RK Garage: https://rkgarage.net
FFM Fabrication: https://www.ffmfabrication.com.au
Noosa Radiators:https://noosaradiators.com.au
Luber Mechancal: https://lubermechanic.com
ChopshopSC: https://www.instagram.com/chopshopsc/
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Please note: We're just a couple of Mates hanging out in the shed, There's no big production companies, fancy cameras or Scripts, We love what we do and try our best to create quality content for you to enjoy every week. Sometimes that includes a steering rack conversion, Other times it's as simple as bolting on some wheels to our daily drivers. Don't forget that working on cars isn't easy and can be dangerous. Use Ya Brain and take the necessary safety precautions whenever you're modifying your car. Consume Lemon Squash responsibly & Thanks for watching. #Barra #BuuldSeries #Sleeper