We’ve been having some pretty serious issues with our air system in the shop for a while. Our compressor always struggled to keep up with sand blasting and sanding, and finally busted. We had to come up with a way to replace it, and FAST, but we had to do it on a budget.
That’s when we decided we were going to build the ULTIMATE compressor for our shop, at the same time as sticking to a budget. Hang with us as we convert our busted single stage compressor to a bad to the bone 2 stage compressor, that will perform above and beyond expectation at a price point that will blow your mind!
Parts list:
- 2 Stage Air Compressor Pump: https://sovrn.co/ouypm4h
- Electric Motor: https://sovrn.co/7znmdmr
- Pulley: 5.5” Pulley with weldable hub. The hub is welded into the pulley and includes the correct shaft size for your electric motor. Find these at your local parts store.
Belt: V style, length will vary.
- You can use 3/8-1/2” copper tubing to run from your tank to your pump. Use a “T” style fitting at the tank to attach the line running to your unloader valve.
Get 10% off entire order at https://aldanamerican.com using the code “CoopsHouse”
Check out our Playlist on our Custom 1985 C30 12v Cummins! -- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNM2TMFnb5cjU3HXtkv9x-WM7ZJQyJdeD
For any questions or inquiries regarding this video please reach out to coophouse01@gmail.com
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